Sydney Thweatt


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3856 - Wren
Thursday, October 4, 2007 21:58

3855 - Wren Culp  (
Thursday, October 4, 2007 21:51

I am so sorry. The last thing I wanted to happen to this girl was for her to die at such a young age. Sydney, this one is for you. STAY GOLD SYDNEY, BECAUSE THERE IS STILL GOOD IN THE WORLD. Family, if you get a chance, listen to the song "Yesterdays" by Switchfoot. It is a sad but powerful song.

3854 - Michelle Rodriguez
Thursday, October 4, 2007 21:22

I just wanted to say I am so sorry for your loss, when I saw that Sydney is no longer with us I was so heartbroken. But reading about how God has kept you up and how He restored Sydney before taking her with Him was more than encouraging. Only God can do something like that. I can't even imagine how deep your loss is, and you and your family are in my prayers. Your faith in Christ is one of the most inspiring things I have ever seen and He'll bless you for that when you are all together with Him.

3853 - Michelle Rodriguez
Thursday, October 4, 2007 21:21

I just wanted to say I am so sorry for your loss, when I saw that Sydney is no longer with us I was so heartbroken. But reading about how God has kept you up and how He restored Sydney before taking her with Him was more than encouraging. Only God can do something like that. I can't even imagine how deep your loss is, and you and your family are in my prayers. Your faith in Christ is one of the most inspiring things I have ever seen and He'll bless you for that when you are all together with Him.

3852 - John Jenkins
Thursday, October 4, 2007 20:42

Heros we love heros we praise. we watch them in amazment all of our days. though you think ones hero is to be big and tall mine however is actually quite small. though i never met her her story is very famous she. she ent through the age of 9 and then she left us. i thought i should morn buy realy i should dance. though her life on earth is over in the begging of october her life begins in the hands of our friend. out God our savoir has come down to save her. Sydney my hero for going through the pain when i cant even begin to imagin. Sydney Sydney my sister in christ my hero in life.(jerhamiah 29:11)

3851 - Susan Logue
Thursday, October 4, 2007 19:59

I'm an old acquaintance of James's from school. I heard about Sydney from another old friend. My heart goes out to your family and friends who all knew her. It's hard losing a child, but when you know in your heart they are going to live with Jesus and you will see her again soon, it makes the pain a little easier to bear. My love and prayers are with you. In Christ, Susan Logue

3850 - Mikaela Biavati
Thursday, October 4, 2007 19:44

I remember Sydney as the cute little girl who LOVED her brothers. When we (the current 8th grade at providence) were in 6th grade we would walk through the playground area to get to our classes after P.E. The second we walked out of those doors Sydney would stop what she was doing and run up to us to ask the question, "Is Jamesie coming?" The second she saw James walk out of the door she would yell, "Jamesie!!!", run to him and give him a HUGE bear hug. She held on to him until he reached the gate that led out of the playground where she reluctantly let go of him and said goodbye. She never failed to find James. Each day that happened, all of the girls would whisper to eachother, "That is the cutest thing ever" or "Aww she's soo cute!"
Through her illness, her tenacity and constant good attitude amazed me. It is beyond me how she was able to keep a smile on her face throughout much pain.
Sydney was a light in the darkness and she will forever be in my heart and memories.
~Much Much Love, Mikaela

3849 - Ashley Goode
Thursday, October 4, 2007 19:06

I never had the pleasure of meeting precious Sydney, but I heard through many what a vivacious, beautiful, and amazing little girl she is. I would have been her art teacher at Providence for her first grade year. During that year I became pregnant and recently had my own daughter- what an indescribable blessing. As I look at my Savannah and think of the love in my heart for her, I can't imagine what you felt watching little Sydney struggle with this illness. I pray for peace for your family, and relief to know she will never be in pain again. God bless you all.

3848 - Alyson Kelloway
Thursday, October 4, 2007 17:34

My heart and prayers go out to your entire family. I know this has been a long hard struggle for all of you, but knowing that Sydney is beside God somehow makes it bearable.

Your faith and encouragement has overwhelmed me with pride and has enforced my faith in God.

I wish you all well.

3847 - andree and bill hickey
Thursday, October 4, 2007 17:13

Deepest sympathy to you and your whole family.Please know that you have been in our thoughts and prayers constantly since the beginning. You have been through so much and we admire your courage and faith. I know Sydney was a very special little girl, and will be missed by all. Love, Andree & Bill

3846 - Skylar Evans
Thursday, October 4, 2007 16:38

Sydney as I Knew Her

Never has a smile had such an effect on the room. Two big beautiful eyes and a coca-cola outfit from her grandmother. GÇ£Look, SkylarGÇ¥ she exclaimed, GÇ£I am wearing mascara and lipstick.GÇ¥ She was my sister. She got to talk to me about boys, makeup, clothes, dollsGÇöall the things a typical six year old talks about, but not really. She was a little princess, my sister, my princess. She was a fashion queen, but she was also a tomboy. When the bruises began, everyone just figured that she was simply playing hard with her brothers. As I sat with her one day in the courtyard at Providence while her mom was in a meeting, she randomly interrupted the story I was reading to her.
GÇ£Do you love Jack?GÇ¥ she asked.
I told her that Jack and I were just friends, and I loved him as my friend. She was not satisfied, however.
GÇ£Are you going to kiss him?GÇ¥ she prodded. A smile curled upon my lips and I had to laugh at this little six-year-old before me. She asked me completely innocently, with a genuine sincerity. I answered her with a quick GÇ£noGÇ¥ and went right back to reading, but the smile remained on my face and the twinkle in her eye.
As we left the Providence 7th Grade Play a couple of years ago, I got a ride home with the Thweatts, as usual. The car was full, because the whole clan was coming with us, all six of them. Because Sydney was the smallest, she had to sit in the back, squeezed in between James and Johnson. Jack and I got the bucket seats, and Mr. and Mrs. Thweatt sat in the front. Sydney wanted so badly to sit by me, but her parents told her that the youngest ones had to sit in the back. I knew how that went, being the youngest in my family, too. Sydney and I shared a connection, a special bond between us. I loved getting to see her. That night I got a call from Jack, totally frustrated with me because the moment I left the car, Sydney proceeded to lose it completely and she cried all the way home and cried herself to sleep.
On Jack's 14th birthday, April 5, 2006, Amanda and I went to Jack's house to set up a party for him. His small group was going to come over and we were going to eat and hang out. Because Sydney was only six, she wanted me to write Jack's birthday coupons for her. She gave him coupons like, GÇ£one time at dinner to clear your plate,GÇ¥ or GÇ£one time to refill your milk glass at a meal.GÇ¥ Her selfless and simple gestures perfectly mirrored the attitudes of all those in her family, selfless and giving, and always caring for others. She came to us after dinner, as Jack, Nick, Amanda, and I sat around talking, and brought Jack some Perrier. She so wanted to help him, to be his favorite. She was a servant, but a spunky, fiesty servant.
That was Sydney. Stubborn, strong willed, but genuine, sweet, and caring. She definitely possessed the selfish tendencies of a typical six-year-old, but she had an abnormal servant attitude for a girl of her age. I loved her as my own sister. I will never forget the way she said my name, with her sweet little-but-loud voice. Or the way she called Jack GÇ£JackieGÇ¥ and addressed him with the love only she could give. That is what I think I will miss the mostGÇöher love and desire to serve others. She was my role model, as was all of her family; they had a maturity and never-ceasing display of Christ's love to each other and those around them.
I remember the day I found out. It was early May. Originally, it was not diagnosed as Leukemia, but there was that looming possibility, and the bruises showed the disease. Then, on Mother's Day, they found out with certainty. Sydney Myna Thweatt, at six years old, had AML leukemia. I sat at home that Sunday in disbelief. Spunky Sydney, full of so much life and joy surely could not be sick. It was a dream. I knew it was. But if it was, I still have not woken up. I keep thinking that I will open my eyes and see her playing in front of me, asking me to come and baby-sit her and play with her. Now I know that that day will never come. No, I will never see her smiling face or hear her tender voice, but I could not imagine a child or adult who has been more of an example of Christ, and I cannot imagine someone who while in heaven will praise God more fully or with a more joyful voice.
Now, a year and a half later, I write this through tears as I think about her. It has been a year and a half since I have seen her. What a testimony. Her story has reached thousands; the story of a girl who never gave up. She fought to the end, and she loved to the end. She knew that Jesus was watching over her and, when her mom told her they were praying for her to be healed, Sydney looked at her and said, GÇ£But mom, I have already been healed.GÇ¥ Sydney knew that Christ was her healer, and because she knew Him, no sickness was powerful enough to overcome the Eternal Healer. She truly had the faith of the mustard seed that could move mountains. At eight years old, she had lived more of a life worshipping God and serving him than most people do in decades. She lived her life as a testimony and lived each day as if Christ was returning, and then she was called home, to be with the God she served each and every day.

3845 - Donna
Thursday, October 4, 2007 15:45

I am sorry we have not kept in closer contact all these years. I believe I had the pleasure of meeting your amazing wife at our last High School reunion. When I heard of Sydney's illness I have thought & prayed for you & your family each day and will continue to do so. I have no doubt the Lord it holding Sydney tightly as he watches over you & your family.

Donna Waynant Ramsey

3844 - Mary Somerville
Thursday, October 4, 2007 15:11

Lynette and James,

My faith has been increased and encouraged by watching God faithfully minister to your family through Sydney's illness. It would be my hope that you would know how much He used Sydney to minister to me and countless others in this community. Much, much love, Mary

3843 - Laura Wettstein Wilson
Thursday, October 4, 2007 15:10

Dear Sweet Lynette, James and family,

Our love and prayers are with you more than you can know!! You all have touched our hearts and we feel so much for each of you.

Thank you for letting us know and be so close to Sydney through your writtings and love. What a beautiful young lady and spirit!

Our girls feel so much of her grace---God's grace with her! And have felt such a closeness to her over the last few months. The girls said, they feel they now have a special friend looking down on them!

We are praying for you all and here for you if there is anything you need!

Our love,
The Wilsons--Laura, Byron, Amy and Ana

3842 - al
Thursday, October 4, 2007 14:40

when i think and pray for and with you all, I consistantly hear 1 Thes 2:19.
The testimony of Jesus Christ lived throug you all is my hope and joy and our crown. well done. continue on.

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