Sydney Thweatt


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2176 - Aileen & Jack Pratt
Thursday, December 28, 2006 00:54

Dearest Lynette & James,
What glorious news to hear of Sydney's white blood cells! This is a true Christmas blessing. Thanks be to God. We never cease to pray for Sydney and for your entire family.
Love, Aileen & Jack Pratt

2175 - The Hamilton Family
Thursday, December 28, 2006 00:15

James and Lyntte - We are so happy to hear of this great and wonderful news, which is surely an answer to many, many prayers. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all of you! - Brian and Kathleen

2174 - Mary Dell & John Koldus  (
Wednesday, December 27, 2006 22:49

Dear sweet Sydney,
We returned today from spending Christmas in Houston with seven of our grandchildren, four of whom wear your prayer bracelet, and they all remember you in their prayers.
When we listened to our telephone messages there was one from your Daddy Huff telling us of your new white blood cells. We are so excited and grateful for this wonderful Christmas miracle.
Sydney, have you ever shouted hallelujah in praise of our Lord? It is fun to do and this is what we have done since hearing your good news.
We are praying that you will soon be feeling much, much better. We love you and all of your wonderful family.
Mary Dell & John

2173 - Pam McHugh
Wednesday, December 27, 2006 15:05

You don't know me, but your brothers Teacher Casey, her mother, Therese is a good friend of mine and she shared your story during our Bible Study. We have all been praying for you and cannot wait to hear more good news. God has truely blessed all of us through you and your family. Your story and faith are an inspiration to all of us facing life difficulties. May you have a healthy and blessed 2007.

2172 - Mary McMillan
Wednesday, December 27, 2006 10:27

I am so very thankful to God for his guidance for Sydney, her doctors, for the strength He has given Sydney's family throughout this entire process. I know that through Him, all things are possible if you Believe in Him. Thanks be to God.

2171 - sara fry
Wednesday, December 27, 2006 08:34

What a great Christmas!!! My 7 yr. old grandson ask about Sydney on Christmas day. I was so glad to have good news for him. We are still praying for great blessings for all of you in 2007. Sara and Norman Fry

2170 - Claire Hornberger
Tuesday, December 26, 2006 22:53

Dear Sydney,
Every night at the dinner table my family always talks about you - how you are doing and what the doctors say. Every night at the dinner table we always pray for you. My cousins always say, "Oh is Sydney doing better?" My sister's friends talk about you too - how good you are doing. We were so happy when we heard you were getting white blood cells and there was no sign of cancer. We will keep praying for you.


2169 - Marcie and Mike Bray
Tuesday, December 26, 2006 21:05

What a beautiful picture! Does the "snow" mean white blood cells? I hope so. I wear the bracelet and pray for Sydney, as does my 88 year old mother. I just found the website a few days ago and am glad I can read about Sydney's progress. Merry Christmas. We are friends of Myna and Jack's and our daughter went to high school with Stephen. Love and healing to this beautiful, precious child of God. Love, Marcie and Mike Bray (Dallas)

2168 - Brandi Wood
Tuesday, December 26, 2006 20:02

God bless you and your family. I am praying for complete and total healing for Sydney.

2167 - Kj
Tuesday, December 26, 2006 18:38

Glory to our Precious Lord who is Almighty and hears our prayers and heals. By His stripes we are healed. Thank you Lord for the Thweatt family - for their faith and ministry through their ordeal. You ALL have touched me and shown "all Ye of little faith" that little is MUCH when God is in it... I am praying that Sydney continues to heal..Praise be the Name of Jesus...


2166 - Ted & Cyndy Taylor
Tuesday, December 26, 2006 18:37

What a miraculous Christmas! We're overjoyed and brought to our knees in thanksgiving. Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow!
Our love to you all,
Ted & Cyndy

2165 - Karen Beck
Tuesday, December 26, 2006 16:52

So glad to hear that Sydney is doing better. The last I heard she was not doing so well. Prayers have been answered.

2164 - Flora Neuhoff
Tuesday, December 26, 2006 16:14

Merry Christmas Thweatt family!
We are in Georgia celebrating our Lord's birth with grandparents and were without access to a computer in their home. We really wanted to check on all of you so we found a computer and praised God when we saw your precious family all together. "Shout for joy to the Lord all the earth. Worship the Lord with gladness come before him with joyful song. Know that the Lord is God. It is he who made us and we are his. We are his people the sheep of his pasture. Enter his gates with thanksgiving and his courts with praise. Give thanks to him and praise his name for the Lord is good and his love endures forever." Psalm 100

Praising Him - the Neuhoffs

2163 - jodie fletcher
Tuesday, December 26, 2006 13:57

Praise God for all His amazing works and especially for His never ending Love and grace as He generously answers our crys and Prayers!
While we all prayed for a"White Christmas" Iam continuing to ask for an all out "White-Out" (for those who have never heard of or experienced a "white-out" it is when it snows "WHITE" so hard that one cannot see one's hand infront of their face - but Glory to God we SEE HIS HAND and the precious goodness of HIS love.
May we all grow to be champions of God, as our little Sydney has taught us to be and made real to us by her sweet family!
Thank you Father God for your Tender Mercies and Your mighty power - for the greatest gift Jesus Christ and the sweetest gift - a GOOD REPORT for Sydney.
Father God together with one heart and mind we thank you for the precious life of Sydney's donor and we thank you for the miracle life the donor was willing to share. Thank you for the donor's heart of kindness and generosity and we ask You Father God will all our hearts for Your multiplied blessings to follow this donor all the days of their life;
and we ask that You, Gracious God continue to heal Sydney and quicken all the cells of her body to strenght and complete perfection as You created her.
Finally, Father God we thank you for Your Almighty Presence in our live and give you continuous praise and glory for the most Miraculous Christmas ever - The "white" CHRISTmas of 2006.

2162 - cliff davis
Tuesday, December 26, 2006 12:28

So glad sydney's dream of a white Christmas came true

we are prayin for ya'll

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