Letter from James April 26
Just in case you missed the last update - April 24, 2007
April 26, 2007 8:47 PM
The perfect storm is brewing in Sydney's little body.
She has two identified viruses, diarrhea, liver malfunctions, a cough, fungus in her lung, hives over most of her body, and probably graft vs host.
The dangerous complications from these variables and treatments are dizzying. Some of the treatments cause dangerous complications. It's a catch 22.
They are performing a liver biopsy in the morning.
The Medical team is frustrated and struggling for clarity. I watch them as they meet outside the door, the head Doctor agonizes over the data; almost angry at the different battles he is waging in Sydney. He is a scientist; who has been at this a long time and knows it's not personal, he has taught it's not personal, it's an impersonal disease. And yet, you can see in the strain of his face; it couldn't be anymore personal.
We are watching a movie and Sydney's eyes are bright and twinkling. She is beat up, but feisty.
Here we are again in the valley of the shadow of death. We are scared and sad to be here again. Please pray we look to the Shepherd, the only one who can truly protect us.
James Thweatt
Psalm 23