Sydney Thweatt

Letter from James

Sydney Thweatt December 11, 2006

I was pretty discouraged this morning. Sydney has not eaten for weeks, no IV nutrients the last seven days because of the chemo. She hasn't laughed or been without pain for more than a couple of days. Sydney has run a fever for the last 4 days. The doctor is worried it is the fungus causing the fever, her most eminent danger. She is retaining fluid and her blood pressure is too low. I am concerned about her heart and kidneys. We still struggle with keeping fluid out of her lungs. When she is awake and not in too much pain we have her do lung exercises and try to get oral medicines down her and pray they don't come back up.

A friend called to check on us today. After I told him all about Sydney, Lynette, and the kids, he asked how I was doing. I reminded him what Winston Churchill said about the United States form of government. He said it was not very good, but compared to the rest of the world governments, it is the best the world has ever seen. I told him that is how I feel about God and his way of doing things. I know it is the best way to go, but I am not that crazy about it right now. However, I have tried or been close enough to a lot of what this world has to offer and I know it doesn't have the answer.

I stayed at the hospital last night and got maybe two hours of broken sleep, so I decided to go work out. I would catch my self being panicked or saddened and wanting to stop exercising, but I couldn't help thinking about Sydney's constant struggles. How could I ever give up on something so easy when she never gives up? I then got on the stair master and started listening to Rick Warren's book. He was talking about Paul being in prison as an old man, He was lonely and cold. He sent word to Timothy and asked him to bring him his coat. He could have been depressed or complained, he deserved to have a comfortable old age in my opinion, but he didn't. Instead he wrote part of the New Testament from prison. I was encouraged. I was ready to go back to the hospital and try to trust God not by sight, but by faith.

Then I talked to Lynette who had some very encouraging news from the doctor. The CAT scan showed a 25% improvement in her fungus infection. The doctor commented they really didn't expect for that to happen. Also, a blood test registered very little fungus. The lung therapist came in and worked with Sydney and said her lungs sound much improved. So we went from fear of fatal fungus to improved status by evening. We are taking it day by day.

We are still on go for transplant Wednesday.



Answered prayers

  • We are going to transplant.
  • Sydney's leg pain is greatly improved.
  • Her lungs seem to be stable.
  • We are encouraged.
Please pray . . .
  • For a successful transplant and complete healing.
  • No graft vs. host disease.
  • No negative side effects.